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Education has been around for centuries. It has improved the lives of many people but now it can be viewed from a different perspective. It has made a huge impact. Nowadays, there are computers, laptops, printers and other techs. All of these techs help us in advancing towards the next stage. Technology is everywhere and can be used anywhere these days. It can be used in classrooms, Bussiness area, and other places.


Many students like working together as a class or with a group. It helps the students to get to know and getalong with each other. It also makes other students feel more involved in their studies. This is also where students find out who are their competetors and where they are on their education. Collaboration builds a pathway towards success. Technology like loptops help build the kids by learning how to type, research and browse the web for information on school wise material.

Holographic screen

This technology will make it more easier than carrying a computer everywhere. I will be a small and easy to carry around with you. Students will be able to browse the internet with a holographic touch-screen screen. It wont lead to any fustrations like other devices do. Students can aslo read books for the internet and also read as a class instead for a book that has to be carried around everyday.

Google Glasses

Advanced technologies like google glassees are just a few new and easy efficent way to help make student have more access to education. Google glasses are glasses that shows videos like for example Economics. They will be able to understand more about Economics on things like Vocabulary and Aggragated demand. They can also search up things like math problems to help them understand how to use formulas for math problems.

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Technology Purpose

The technology that are being invented today will help expand the future of education. It will create more jobs and expand the minds of students who will later become experts on this field. While using technolgy it takes less time and energy to finish work.

Technology made today makes it easier and easier for our and the next genenation to use. It helps kids High school and college students solve a math problem in less time. It decrease stress that would usually be caused for problem solving.